account balance by mobile phone
The mHITs mobile transaction technology can provide the ability for members of Superannuation funds or Savings and loan schemes to obtain their account balances directly via their mobile phone.
Services operate using a combination of USSD and SMS meaning it will work across all carriers and mobile handsets.
A PIN can also be incorporated to further securitise the balance request.
access to account information in developing markets
In many developing markets, access to basic account balance information is difficult due limited access to the Internet, absence of email or simply the fact that it is either too difficult or impossible to send account statements via normal post mail.
For these reasons, providing access to account information via mobile makes sense as a simple, practical solution.
flexible charging models
The AccountBalance transaction model is configurable and services can be provided free to the consumer or fees for balance requests can be deducted directly from their carrier pre-paid account.
See our Case Studies or or Contact us for more information on how a service can be implemented for your market.
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