We provide simple, effective mobile payment and information services that are tailored to your market.
See Products or Case Studies for more details.
We provide simple, effective mobile payment and information services that are tailored to your market.
See Products or Case Studies for more details.
Our approach uses simple, ubiquitous technologies such as USSD and SMS which work across all handsets, carriers and markets providing a 100% market addressable size.
See Products, Case Studies or Services for details.
The unbanked or underbanked represent the majority of the worlds population. Technology and services such as those developed by mHITs, enable financial inclusion for many of the worlds people.
See Case Studies for more details.
Through our network of partners, our technology has a global reach.
See Case Studies for more details.
The mHITs BuyPower solution enables markets using prepaid electricity to allow users to purchase electricity using carrier airtime.
This simple but effective concept has a proven business model that not only has a rapid ROI and benefits to stakeholders, but also provides a tremendous benefit to citizens within a given market.
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