This is part 2 of a 2 part topic. To read part 1 click here. In part 1 we talked about how mobile payments mean different things to different people in different markets. We will expand on this further here. Does simply initiating a payment instruction from a portable device classify it as a mobile payment? If I use Internet Banking on my laptop in a café does this automatically make it a mobile payment transaction? What if I perform the same transaction using my tablet using a WiFi connection? What if I use telephone banking...
What makes a payment mobile? (part 1 of 2)
Over the years our company has seen mobile payment technologies, business models and ideas come and go. We see and hear many things and often get asked for views on various mobile and payment related issues. We thought it was now time we started our own blog to share some of these discussions, ideas and issues. We hope to cover topics not only on mobile payment but also on mobile technology and how it is being applied in different ways. mHITs is uniquely positioned as one of the few mobile payment technology company’s covering both...
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